View Source Kalevala.Character.Conn (kalevala v0.1.0)

Struct for tracking data being processed in a controller or command

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Add to the assignment map on the conn

Get the character out of the conn

Send the foreman an in-game event

Get a value out of the flash data

Get a value out of the session data

Mark the connection for termination

Creates an even to move from one room to another

Render a prompt to the conn

Request to publish a message to a channel

Put an action to be performed

Update the character in state

Put the new controller that the foreman should swap to

Put a value in to the flash data. Flash data is reset every time the controller is switched.

Update a key in a character's meta map

Sends a request to drop an item into the room

Sends a request to get an item from the room

Request the room to move via the exit

Send a telnet option

Request to subscribe to a channel

Request to unsubscribe from a channel

Link to this section Types

@type t() :: %Kalevala.Character.Conn{
  assigns: term(),
  character: term(),
  events: term(),
  flash: term(),
  options: term(),
  output: term(),
  params: term(),
  private: term(),
  session: term()

Link to this section Functions

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assign(conn, key, value)

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Add to the assignment map on the conn

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character(conn, opts \\ [])

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Get the character out of the conn

If the character has been updated, this character will be returned

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delay_event(conn, delay, topic, data \\ %{})

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Delay an event

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event(conn, topic, data \\ %{})

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Send the foreman an in-game event

Get a value out of the flash data

Get a value out of the session data

Mark the connection for termination

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move(conn, direction, room_id, view, template, assigns)

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Creates an even to move from one room to another

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prompt(conn, view, template, assigns \\ %{})

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Render a prompt to the conn

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publish_message(conn, channel_name, text, options, error_fun)

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Request to publish a message to a channel

Available options for altering the message, these also get passed along to the channel callbacks.

  • type, defaults to "speech"
  • meta, defaults to %{}
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put_action(conn, action)

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Put an action to be performed

This should be a Kalevala.Character.Action struct to save which action module should be run, along with any delay and params.

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put_character(conn, character)

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Update the character in state

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put_controller(conn, controller, flash \\ %{})

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Put the new controller that the foreman should swap to

Optionally provide the starting flash for the controller

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put_flash(conn, key, value)

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Put a value in to the flash data. Flash data is reset every time the controller is switched.

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put_meta(conn, key, value)

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Update a key in a character's meta map

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put_session(conn, key, value)

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render(conn, view, template, assigns \\ %{})

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Render text to the conn

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request_item_drop(conn, item_instance)

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Sends a request to drop an item into the room

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request_item_pickup(conn, item_name)

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Sends a request to get an item from the room

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request_movement(conn, exit_name)

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Request the room to move via the exit

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send_option(conn, name, value)

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Send a telnet option

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subscribe(conn, channel_name, options, error_fun)

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Request to subscribe to a channel

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unsubscribe(conn, channel_name, options, error_fun)

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Request to unsubscribe from a channel